Granby Recreation & Leisure Services
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Before and After Camp Care Register View Cart

For those of you who want your child to participate in our Salmon Brook Park Day Camp program this summer but need to be at work before it starts - we have just the solution for you - Granby Recreation's Before and After Camp Care at Salmon Brook Park!  We have made a few changes to the registration process but we have maintained the great fees.

Before Camp Care Hours - Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 8:30am
After Camp Care Hours - Monday - Friday: 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Extended Care Pricing Options
You can register for all 8 weeks of Salmon Brook Day Camp’s before and after care and pay a flat fee or purchase a punch card.  Both options are new this year and the punch card system is intended to assist families who may only need before or after care for their child occasionally. There are 2 card options available one with 10 “punches” and one with 5 “punches” on it.
All 40 days (Monday - Friday) of before & after care during Day Camp = $620.00
10-punch Card = $114.00
5-punch Card = $68.00

1-punch Card = $14.00
  • Each day that a child uses either of the extended day programs will serve as 1 “punch” and the date of use will be recorded on the back of the card; in addition, a Granby Recreation staff member will keep all of the “punch cards” on site. Please note, if you are using the punch card for before care and after care on the same day, this would count as two punches.
  • The card is for use by one family only and not transferable. Each child who stays will use 1 punch (ie, if two children stay from one family it is 2 punches).


Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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All 8 weeks of Before and After Care 
N/A 1 - 9 MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
07:00 AM - 05:30 PM

Salmon Brook Park - Park House - Gathering Room
$620.00 Res, $620.00 Non-Res
Before/After Care runs Mondays - Fridays only during the Day Camp Program
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1-Punch Card 
N/A 1 - 9 MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
07:00 AM - 05:30 PM

Salmon Brook Park - Park House - Gathering Room
$14.00 Res, $14.00 Non-Res
Before/After Care runs Mondays - Fridays only during the Day Camp Program
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5-Punch Card 
N/A 1 - 9 MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
07:00 AM - 05:30 PM

Salmon Brook Park - Park House - Gathering Room
$68.00 Res, $68.00 Non-Res
Before/After Care runs Mondays - Fridays only during the Day Camp Program
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10-Punch Card 
N/A 1 - 9 MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
07:00 AM - 05:30 PM

Salmon Brook Park - Park House - Gathering Room
$114.00 Res, $114.00 Non-Res
Before/After Care runs Mondays - Fridays only during the Day Camp Program
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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