Granby Recreation & Leisure Services
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Basketball - Fall Adult Rec Program

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

This program is held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Community Gym at Granby High School. Pick-up games for 2 hours for those ages 18  and up from 7-9 pm.

Granby Residents have two options to pay: $75 (which only comes out to under $3.00 per night!) for the entire session (includes both nights) or pay a $5 drop-in fee per night.

Non-Resident drop-in fee will be $10 per night.

     Drop-in fees are cash only.
     Drivers license needs to be shown at check in. 
     Program runs from 9/19/23 - 12/21/23

For those who choose drop-in registration only - please check the Granby Recreation website Monday and Thursday  afternoons after 3 pm for updates or cancellations. 

**At the Middle School on 12/14 & 12/21
**At Kelly Lane School on 11/16

*No Basketball on the following dates:  11/7, 11/23

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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