Granby Recreation & Leisure Services
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Bronx Zoo Bus Trip Register View Cart

Granby Rec has teamed up with Simsbury Rec to offer this trip to the world famous Bronx Zoo!  Join us on Monday, April 14, 2025.

With award-winning, cutting-edge exhibits featuring over 4,000 animals, there is no other zoo in the world that offers the diversity, superb viewing, and world-renowned expertise that assures a rewarding experience and the knowledge that visitors can make a difference in the world around them. Whether you're nose-to-nose with Western Lowland Gorillas in their famous Congo Gorilla Forest, spotting Snow Leopards in their naturalistic Himalayan Highlands Habitat, or experiencing almost an acre of an indoor Asian rain forest, you're always within roaring distance of the world's most amazing wildlife. In the end, you'll know that your admission fees went to a conservation organization that has more expert researchers in the field than any other.

The Total Experience Deluxe package includes zoo shuttles, Wild Asia Monorail, Bug Carousel, Children’s Zoo, the New 4-D Theater, and the Congo Gorilla Forest. Everyone should visit this zoo at least once!   

Bus departs from Simsbury Farms at 7:30am.

The bus will promptly 
depart from the Bronx Zoo at 4:30 pm.

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Bronx Zoo Bus Trip 
1y - 99y N/A 04/14/2025
07:30 AM - 07:15 PM

Simsbury Farms Main Building
$75.00 Res, $75.00 Non-Res
This trip is being "shared" between Granby Rec, and Simsbury Rec and the bus will be picking up in each town
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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